Fried Foods
Braised Pork Shoulder Over Polenta From Dobbs Ferry Restaurant
San Francisco, California
No Comments07.02.
Deep Fried Pickle Chips
1 Comment06.22.
Six Feet Under Challenge From Sumo Grub
1 bun, 6 tempura ¼ lb. angus beef patties, 6 toppings of choice, 2 onion rings, sliced tomato and romaine lettuce, 5 tempura Twinkies, 10 tempura Oreos, whipped cream, Hershey’s chocolate syrup, and 2 pieces of tempura macaroni and cheese. If completed in 25 minutes, the challenge is free ($45 value), you get your picture on the Wall of Fame, a free t-shirt and free gift certificate for a Tempura Heart Attack. If you lose, your picture goes up on the Wall of Shame.
Berkeley, California
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